Varroa mite introduction to management
60 mins Online LAST UPDATED: 6 Aug 2024

Click here for detailed instructions on how to enrol in the course.
Varroa mite (Varroa destructor) was detected in sentinel hives at the Port of Newcastle in June 2022 as a result of routine surveillance by NSW Department Of Primary Industries (NSW DPI).
Since Varroa can be spread via the movement of bees and bee equipment, a state-wide Order of hive standstill was issued. The intention of this standstill is to achieve eradication of Varroa mite to protect Australia’s honey and pollination industries from the serious impact of this pest.
Spring is a critical time for beekeepers who need to move hives for pollination, for business continuity of beekeeping and pollination-dependent agricultural industries, and for Australia’s food security. With movement restrictions in place, NSW DPI has been working closely with beekeeping industry bodies and stakeholders on a permit system to allow movement of bees from certain areas of NSW without compromising Varroa eradication efforts.
This course will assist you to develop confidence in:
Virtual training conducted entirely through digital platforms, allowing participants to learn remotely.
Tocal College NSW Department of Primary Industries
60 mins