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Plant Health Australia (PHA) recently held Industry Liaison Officer (ILO) training in Orange, NSW. Michael Southan, CEO of the Australian Olive Association, attended the ILO workshop and had this to say about the training.

‘If you are considering becoming an Industry Liaison Officer, find out when the training is on in your area or your state and just do it,’ said Michael.

The free face-to-face ILO workshop provides participants with hands-on experience for what is involved in the role and is an opportunity to connect and network with other industry representatives. Participants have said the training gives them a better understanding of how the ILO role works alongside the incident management team in a biosecurity response.

PHA will be holding the next workshop in Darwin, Northern Territory on Wednesday, 15 May 2024. The workshop will equip learners with foundational skills to work in a control centre during a plant biosecurity incident. If you are interested in attending, please register for the ILO workshop.

Workshops are also planned for Victoria and Queensland in the second half of 2024. Be the first to hear about these training opportunities by joining the mailing list.

For more information on ILO workshops or for help with registration, contact the PHA training team via email at [email protected].

A special thanks to Rebel Talbot, Senior Manager of Fire and Natural Hazards, Forestry Corporation of NSW, and Michael Southan, CEO Australian Olive Association for sharing their thoughts on the ILO training.