About the course

This free course has been created by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF) to provide anyone who interacts with domestic or feral pigs with information needed to help protect Australia from the threat of ASF.  

If you own, work with, interact with or observe domestic or feral pigs as part of your work or recreational activities, you can help protect Australia from the potential impacts of this infectious pig disease.

This course consists of 3 modules which provide information about how you can help prevent ASF from entering Australia and infecting our pig populations, and how to recognise and report clinical signs of ASF to promote early detection and reduce the impacts of an outbreak should ASF reach our shores.

Although developed by Queensland DAF, most of the information is applicable Australia-wide. Throughout the course, links are provided to additional resources and online videos to assist your learning.

Registered veterinarians who complete the course are eligible to claim 1 VetEd continuing professional development (CPD) point.

What you’ll learn

The course has been developed for anyone who owns, works with, or interacts with pigs. This includes pig owners, pig industry workers, veterinarians, wild meat industry workers, feral pig hunters, landholders and government workers who may see or interact with feral or domestic pigs.

Course content

Content and objectives

The course consists of 3 modules which focus on:

  • Module 1: Preventing the introduction of ASF into Australia
  • Module 2: Preventing pigs from becoming infected with ASF
  • Module 3: Recognising and reporting clinical signs of ASF in pigs.

Although developed by Queensland DAF, most of the information is applicable Australia-wide. Throughout the course, links are provided to additional resources and online videos to assist your learning.


To access this training, you will need to log in to the Biosecurity Online Training (BOLT) learning management platform. Access is free and available to anyone with an interest in biosecurity. If you are not already a member, then you will need to register and create a new account.

For help with BOLT, please contact [email protected].

Funding acknowledgement

Created by the Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (DAF).

delivery method

Online Virtual training conducted entirely through digital platforms, allowing participants to learn remotely.

course provided by

Animal Health Australia Queensland Department of Primary Industries

Course Length

90 mins




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