< 1 minute

About the course

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) is considered one of Australia’s greatest biosecurity risks. With the potential to cripple the agricultural economy, it is everyone’s responsibility to take extreme care when responding to FMD.

This online module is designed to give an overview of the risk and impact foot-and-mouth disease can have on the farming industry and what is being done to reduce that risk.

What you’ll learn

This course is designed to provide you with information on the risk and impact of foot-and-mouth disease on the farming industry, and how to keep it out of Australia.

  • What is food-and-mouth disease
  • The impact could foot-and-mouth disease
  • Risks of potential entry into Australia
  • How the virus is spread
  • Signs of foot-and-mouth disease in livestock
  • Keeping foot-and-mouth disease out of Australia.

Course content

The course contains 1 module.


You will need to ‘Sign In’ to the Agriculture Victoria Learning Management System. If you are not already a member, then you will need to sign up and create a new account.

For help with the Agriculture Victoria Learning Management System please contact [email protected].

delivery method

Online Virtual training conducted entirely through digital platforms, allowing participants to learn remotely.

course provided by

Agriculture Victoria Animal Health Australia

Course Length

15 mins




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