APAV accreditation program for Australian veterinarians
300 mins Online LAST UPDATED: 19 Feb 2024

The Accreditation Program for Australian Veterinarians (APAV) is a national program designed to integrate private veterinary practitioners into the national animal health system to support the international standing of Australia’s animal health service capability.
The program aims to have an internationally recognised process for accrediting non-government veterinarians for involvement in government and industry animal disease programs (i.e. APAV’s operational programs). To gain initial APAV accreditation, veterinarians are required to complete the APAV registration course.
AHA maintains a database of APAV accredited veterinarians known as the National Register. This database contains the details of APAV accredited veterinarians to facilitate engagement of accredited veterinarians by government and industry with responsibility for APAV operational programs.
Please contact [email protected] should you have any questions on APAV or its course administration (incl. payment of course fees).
The APAV registration course is recommended to registered veterinarians who wish to become APAV-accredited and wish to expand their services to participate in operational programs, such s Market Assurance Programs (MAP) and the Australian Government Accredited Veterinarian Program (AAV).
Having completed the course, learners should have a good understanding of APAV and its operational programs, and the roles and responsibilities of accredited veterinarians and the context within which they operate. This is achieved through modules that cover:
To access this training, you will need to log in to the Biosecurity Online Training (BOLT) learning management platform. Access is free and available to anyone with an interest in biosecurity. If you are not already a member, then you will need to register and create a new account.
For help with BOLT, please contact [email protected].
Virtual training conducted entirely through digital platforms, allowing participants to learn remotely.
Animal Health Australia
300 mins