About the course

Australia has strong measures to prevent the entry, establishment and spread of pests and diseases, but for the system to be as robust as possible, it needs those working at all points of the supply chain to be vigilant and report suspicious pests. This course is for those working in close contact with goods that have recently arrived in Australia and from warehouses and distribution centres. Quick and early detection and reporting of unwanted pests and disease keeps all of Australia safe and helps us to maintain our way of life.

What you’ll learn

On completion of this you will have a broad understanding of the following:

  • realise the impacts pests and disease can have on our livelihoods, lifestyle, and environment
  • understand what a ‘hitchhiker pest’ is and how they are likely to enter Australia
  • recognise characteristics of hitchhiker pests and where to look for them
  • identify actions that should be taken if a hitchhiker pest is suspected
  • understand their role and responsibility in reporting a hitchhiker pest.

Course content

  • Module 1: Impact of hitchhiker pests
  • Module 2: How do hitchhiker pests get into Australia
  • Module 3: Spot anything unusual
  • Module 4: What to do next
  • Module 5: What have you learned.

To access this training, you will need to log in to the Biosecurity Online Training (BOLT) learning management platform. Access is free and available to anyone with an interest in biosecurity. If you are not already a member, then you will need to register and create a new account.

For help with BOLT, please contact [email protected].


To access this training, you will need to log in to the Biosecurity Online Training (BOLT) learning management platform. Access is free and available to anyone with an interest in biosecurity. If you are not already a member, then you will need to register and create a new account.

For help with BOLT, please contact [email protected].

Funding acknowledgement

Queensland Government Department of Agriculture and Fisheries, New South Wales Department of Primary Industries, and Plant Health Australia

delivery method

Online Virtual training conducted entirely through digital platforms, allowing participants to learn remotely.

course provided by

Plant Health Australia Queensland Department of Primary Industries NSW Department of Primary Industries

Course Length

45 mins




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