Article authored on the Animal Health Australia website.
Exercise Audiatur – a partnership between AHA and Agriculture Victoria (AgVIC) – was delivered to Liaison Livestock Industry (LLI) and AgVIC participants on Tuesday 29 and Wednesday 30 October 2024, at the State Biosecurity Operations Centre in AgVIC’s Attwood facility.
The Exercise, which aimed to improve the delivery of the LLI function for Victorian emergency animal disease responses through upskilling industry representatives and enhancing AgVIC’s processes and support functions, has taken an incredible effort from all those involved to see it to its fruition.
AHA would like to thank everyone who contributed to its planning and delivery, and appreciate the time spared by the dedicated LLIs and AgVIC staff who sought to build on Victoria’s preparedness.
Also in attendance were observers from various allied industries, sectors, and government departments, who we hope can take home some of the valuable learnings collected over the course of the Exercise.