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Want to know more about the role of an Industry Liaison Officer (ILO) during a plant biosecurity response? Plant Health Australia will be conducting ILO training workshops throughout 2024 to help you understand how to work in a control centre during a plant biosecurity incident.

These face-to-face training sessions will equip you, as a future ILO, with the skills to work alongside the incident management team and provide industry insights during a plant pest response, supporting your industry.

Peak industry bodies that are signatories to the Emergency Plant Pest Response Deed can nominate potential ILOs to register for the workshops. If you are interested in knowing more about the role of an ILO and attend the training, reach out to your peak industry body for more information and nomination.

The first workshop for 2024 will occur in Orange, New South Wales, scheduled for Wednesday, 21 February 2024, to be delivered in collaboration with the NSW Department of Primary Industries. You can register for this ILO workshop online.

Can’t make the workshop in February or from a different jurisdiction? Join the mailing list to stay updated on the ILO training offered in 2024.

Why should you attend?

In 2023, 96 industry participants from 17 industries registered for the ILO workshops, and feedback was overwhelmingly positive. 96% of participants agreed that the workshop increased their knowledge about the ILO role, and 88% agreed that after participating in the workshop, they felt more confident in their ability to be an ILO in an emergency response.

For more information on ILO workshops or help with registration, contact the training team via email at [email protected].