Avocados Australia is leading a multi- faceted biosecurity project which aims to improve the biosecurity preparedness of the Australian avocado industry by implementing effective preparedness and prevention strategies and building response capability.
Key partners in the project are the Western Australia Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD WA), Queensland Department of Agriculture and Fisheries (QDAF), the Centre of Excellence for Biosecurity Risk Analysis (CEBRA) and Plant Health Australia (PHA).
During August, a workshop focusing on improving Avocado Industry On-Farm Biosecurity Practices was held at EcoSciences in Brisbane. The workshop saw the project team and guest speakers offering valuable insights to underpin discussions centred with and around growers on the adoption of on-farm biosecurity. Participants worked collaboratively to highlight on-farm biosecurity practices aimed at reducing the risk of incursions of high-priority biosecurity pests.
Additionally, discussions on grower appropriate resources and tools, extension ideas and adoption strategies were also undertaken. The key outcomes from this workshop will provide a roadmap for the project on what growers need from industry efforts (resources and extension) to support adoption of on-farm biosecurity practices.