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Article authored for Agriculture Victoria.

Italian agronomist and PhD student, Mirko Piani, recently started a 6-month PhD project at the Agriculture Victoria Tatura SmartFarm.

Mirko Piani, from University of Bologna, said he is glad to have started this exciting 6-month journey as he will have the opportunity to both learn and contribute his expertise in precision orchard management.

‘My work will focus on LiDAR-based orchard mapping and data management, collaborating closely with my Australian mentor and AgVic Research Scientist, Alessio Scalisi,’ Mirko said.

‘LiDAR-based orchard mapping and data management involves monitoring tree growth over time to identify areas of the orchard that require variable management.

‘The innovation lies in merging the growth rates computed from the laser scanner with weather data from IoT weather stations.

‘This research aims to fully automate the profiling and mapping of tree growth and understand how the technology can benefit Victorian fruit growers.’

Mirko has a passion for hiking, nature and travel, and hopes to experience all 3 while in Australia.

AgVic Senior Research Scientist Dr Mark O’Connell said AgVic SmartFarms support the agricultural community by undertaking science in dairy, horticulture, grains and livestock farming systems to help support productivity and strengthen Victoria’s major agriculture industries.

‘Tatura SmartFarm is all about enabling innovation for the horticulture industry,’ Dr O’Connell said.

‘Our research improves orchard to fruit quality sensing and increases precision and mechanisation and robotics through AgTech that increases the yield and value of pears, apples and stonefruits – helping grow Victoria’s export markets.’

Media contact: Sarah Hetherington

Phone: 0409 405 639