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The CitrusWatch program recently hosted an annual update webinar for biosecurity professionals across Australia, including Commonwealth, State/territory, research communities, and industry representatives.

CitrusWatch is a collaborative, national program aimed at protecting Australian citrus by enhancing industry preparedness for key exotic pest threats.

Presenters Rohan Burgess (Plant Health Australia), Ben Burchett (Northern Territory Department of Industry, Tourism and Trade), and Jess Lye (Citrus Australia) shared insights into the program’s current activities and future plans. Key highlights included:

  • development of a revised Citrus Biosecurity Plan
  • development of host lists and National Surveillance Protocols to help the industry prepare for exotic citrus pests
  • creation of a risk analysis model to guide surveillance activity by identifying high risk areas for exotic citrus psyllid establishment
  • continued engagement of the Early Detector Network of volunteer trappers to trap for exotic citrus psyllids
  • targeted surveillance for exotic citrus pests in urban and commercial areas across northern and southern Australia
  • development of a range of communication tools to raise awareness of exotic pests and encourage participation in surveillance activities as well as pest reporting, including an Instagram account (@CitrusWatchProgram), webinars and factsheets.

Watch the webinar recording here.

For more information on the CitrusWatch program, please visit Citrus Australia’s website.

CitrusWatch is funded through Hort Innovation, using the citrus research and development levy and contributions from the Australian Government. Hort Innovation is the grower owned, not-for-profit research and development corporation for Australian horticulture. Funding is also supplied by Plant Health Australia using the citrus plant health levy.