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2 MIN READThis course has been developed by Animal Health Australia (AHA) to provide an overview of the context, expectations and responsibilities related to the Liaison-Livestock Industry (LLI) function. It aims to prepare personnel to be deployed into a control centre of a cost-shared emergency animal disease (EAD) response.
2 MIN READProvides information on disease surveillance and diagnostic sampling to help protect Australia from the threat of ASF.
< 1 minuteUnderstand your legal obligations under the Queensland Biosecurity Act 2014 relating to Panama TR4.
< 1 minuteUnderstand your legal obligations in relation to Panama TR4 under the Queensland Biosecurity Act 2014. Learn what Panama TR4 is and how you can help protect banana farms from this disease, the best practice for cleaning and disinfecting people and vehicles and how you can help the community protect banana farms from Panama TR4.
< 1 minuteUnderstand your legal obligations under the Queensland Biosecurity Act 2014 relating to Panama TR4 and banana growers. Learn what Panama TR4 is and how to identify it, how to implement biosecurity on your property to minimise the risk of spreading Panama TR4 and know the measures that will help you to continue to operate if the disease is detected on your property.
< 1 minuteInformation for people who own and/or work with pigs to understand both their legal obligations as well as general best-practice when it comes to transporting pigs.
< 1 minuteIntroduction to biosecurity in the pig industry, and its importance. Covers some general biosecurity best practices and principles for all industry stakeholders, and for properties with any number of pigs.
Industry Liaison roles in plant biosecurity emergencies
Learn about the impact, entry, identification, and reporting of pests and diseases